Keuper Statue

Forms And Documents

College of Engineering & Science Ph.D. Program of Study

Doct Dissertation Proposal Conference Report and/or App to Doct Candidacy

Doctoral Program Checklist

Doctor of Psychology Program Checklist

Establishment of a Doctoral Committee
Signatures of all proposed committee members are required on this form.

Establishment of Master's or Specialist Committee
Signatures of all proposed committee members are required on this form.

ETD Access Form
Complete and submit to Office of Graduate Programs when submitting final thesis/dissertation/DRP copies (required effective 8/1/16).

Graduate Request to Study at Another Institution and Transfer Credits
Use this form to request study at another institution and record those courses, and to request transfer of credits taken at another institution. 

Master's Degree Program Plan
Each Master's level graduate student is required to have an approved program plan on file in his/her department no later than one month before nine credit hours of graduate courses have been completed. The form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar along with the petition to graduate.
Master's Thesis Program Checklist

Master's Nonthesis Program Checklist

Oral Examination/Defense Announcement
This form must be completed, signed by the department head or program chair, and submitted to the Office of Graduate Programs no later than two calendar weeks before the examination/ defense.

Permission for Graduate Student to Take Undergraduate Course
Use this form for permission to take an undergraduate course for graduate credit, personal enrichment, or to satisfy deficiencies in graduate degree program.

Request Change in Graduate Program Plan
Use this form to request a change in the Master's degree program plan or doctoral program of study.

Request to Waive Dissertation or Thesis Registration
Use this form to waive registration in dissertation or thesis and only when not using university facilities or faculty time during the indicated term.

Survey of Earned Doctorates
PhD students are expected to complete and submit your Certificate of Completion to the Office of Graduate Programs when submitting final dissertation copies.

Please see The Registrar for additional forms.

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