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Court Service/Jury Duty

Applies to:Original Policy Date:Date of Last Review:Approved by:
Full-time Faculty and Staff December 1, 2014 June 2022 Dr. Marco Carvalho
Executive Vice President and Provost

Policy Owner: Office of Human Resources

Policy Purpose

The university supports employees’ civic duty to serve on juries and appear in court if summoned for other reasons. This policy outlines relevant procedures, including the types of leave permitted.

Policy Scope

All full-time employees who are called for jury duty or who need to be absent from work for other types of court service.

Policy Statement

Florida Institute of Technology provides employees called to jury or other court duty with time off to fulfill their civic obligations.

A full-time employee who is called to serve on a jury panel, or who is subpoenaed as a witness in a criminal or civil case, or who is required to appear in court on a university-related matter, will be granted leave of absence with pay for the duration of the required service in court.

Leave without pay can be granted to an employee for voluntary and/or non-university related appearances. Employees may use personal leave or vacation leave during these appearances.

Leave under this policy must be requested and documented in accordance with policy procedures/guidelines.


The employee is responsible for notifying their manager/supervisor immediately upon receiving notice from the court and providing the manager a copy of the court notice.

The employee is also responsible for keeping their supervisor informed about continued need for time off for jury duty or other court service on a daily or otherwise mutually agreed to basis.

At the end of the employee's service, the employee must bring a certification from the clerk of the court or other court document attesting to the times and dates of service and give this to the supervisor upon return to work.

Compliance Reference

Jury System Improvement Act of 1978 (28 USC 1875) FL Stat. Sec. 40.271


Employees are responsible to follow policy guidelines in requesting leave and to provide the required documentation. They must also communicate with immediate supervisors/managers to ensure accurate recording for payroll processing.

Supervisors are responsible to make scheduling adjustments as required to accommodate the employee’s obligation and to approve time off in accordance with this policy.


Employees who do not receive the appropriate approvals or submit required documentation may not be paid for the time they were in court service.

Supervisors who do not adhere to this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.


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